Understanding Marketing

Thursday 28 March 2019

Social Media Tools: Twitter

Twitter Logo Blue

Twitter in their own words is "what's happening in the world and what people are talking about right now."

It is a news and social networking service, where users post and interact with short messages, more commonly known as "tweets". The length of a tweet was originally 140 characters, but the limit was doubled to 280 characters in 2017. Get to know why!

How to start using Twitter

Here is a little video demonstration, showing the phases of creating a twitter account.

After setting up your account, you can start exploring the many functions of Twitter, and how to use it for you company. To get help and tips for using Twitter, check out their extensive Help Center!

How can tourism businesses take advantage of Twitter?

According to the latest statistics, most of the Twitter users are millenials, which means roughly between 18 and 29 years of age.

If we look at this fact, we could deduce that whatever business, including the tourism businesses, can get the most out of Twitter if targeting people under their 30s.

However, Twitter itself provides some tools and tips for targeting your audience in order to reach the people you actually want to reach.

This means that, if used correctly and upon the implementation of a well-planned strategy, Twitter can turn into a nice addition to a business' marketing strategy.

Focusing on tourism businesses, nowadays travelers are all about sharing on social media whatever they are experiencing at every stage of their travel: pre-, on site and after.

As regards Twitter in detail, about a third of its users access the platform before or after a trip, while 39% use it mid-journey. Moreover, nearly 20% of users tweet to share feedback throughout their travel experience.

From such insights it's understandable that travel companies and brands can use Twitter to boost their image and support word-of-mouth marketing.

This can be done especially by sharing content that is highly valued by the tourism business' target group. This usually includes discounts, last-minute deals, contests and travel ideas backed up by beautiful images - even though Twitter's focus was not originally on sharing pictures.

Another tip to boost tourism businesses' visibility on Twitter is to use the company logo as their avatar for the brand to be quickly and easily recognisable. Also hashtags are a great way to promote a tourism brand and connect all the feedback related to it.

Many more steps can be taken in order to sell tourism products with the aid of Twitter - you can never stop learning!

Examples of good use

Indeed, if you want to learn more, Twitter provides some inspiration about why should you tweet as a tourism brand.

You can also learn from other brands - not necessarily tourism related ones - how to boost your image by using Twitter.

What do we think about Twitter?

Two of us bloggers were already familiar with Twitter before writing this post, while the other two of us had only a basic knowledge about the social media platform.

Doing research on the social media, especially focusing on its use in the tourism business, helped all of us to understand Twitter either just a bit more in deep or quite a lot more.

We think that Twitter is quite underrated, when looking at all the great opportunities it can offer as a platform to reach and engage your audience.

Now we all feel confident about the usefulness of Twitter for marketing and promoting tourism, and we believe that it is a good way to widen a brand's visibility and impact on the target group.

Want to know more?

If you want to get to know more about Twitter and how to use it in an efficient way, here are some tips for you!

Also, if you want to focus on Marketing on Twitter, here is a useful and detailed guide for you to check. And you can have a look at the following video too, which introduces some great tips and tricks to use 😉

Last but not least, for the ones interested in using Twitter especially for tourism purposes - like us - here are 3 powerful ways to do so 💪


What about you? Are you already familiar with Twitter? Did you know how useful it can be for a tourism business to tweet? 😄

Sunday 24 March 2019

Introduction to Marketing

Marketing Wordcloud Created by LapinAMK Students

Hi again!

Our journey to understand Marketing has begun, and we are ready to share with you our freshly gained knowledge 😎

Monday 4 March 2019

Let's begin!

Who are we?

Hi there! Welcome to our blog! 

We are four Tourism students, studying at Lapland University of Applied Sciences (LaplandUAS) in Rovaniemi. Doesn't this city sound familiar? What if we say Santa Claus?

Whether you already guessed it or not, we are actually studying in the Official Hometown of Santa Claus and we met the man himself several times. 

But let's stop chit-chatting and get to the point. Who are exactly the four students keeping this blog?

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